Back in the day, instant pictures were the top of the photography industry. Anyone could see their picture in a matter of seconds. Polaroid set the foundation for instant cameras. And now, Michael Ciuffo has replicated the Polaroid by making a camera that prints photos instantly on receipt paper, and he wants to crowd-fund its mass production:
The prototype of PrintSnap, as the camera is called, is essentially a wooden box with a camera and a thermal printer that uses standard 2 1/4 inch receipt paper as “film.” The design is simple; it includes some circuitry in order to make everything functional, a rechargeable battery, and two switches.
The idea of using standard receipt paper for the images is both ingenious and inexpensive. Each 50 foot roll of paper can print up to 150 pictures, and Ciuffo says that each print costs only a fraction of a cent.
You can even use PrintSnap to create paper flip animation “timelapses.” How cool is that?
I don’t know about you guys, but I want one of these.
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Looks very interesting especially for young photographers.
B&W Print only ? How long Print life ?