Interesting Photo of the Day: Colorful Neighborhood at Night

Composition and other technicalities aside, colors play an important role in making an image come to life. We usually get so caught up with composition, light, and shadows that we tend to overlook colors. Capturing the right mix of colors help to set a certain mood to the image. Consider the following image taken by photographer Drew, and see how the aesthetic speaks for itself:

colorful neighborhood

“Colorful Neighborhood at Night” by Drew (Via Reddit. Click image to see full size.)

Drew took the image with his Sony a7RIII, and the Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 lens at 51mm, f/4, 1/15s, and ISO 4000.

As you can tell, the photographer has very wisely used the colors as the focal element of this photograph. The red, yellow, and blur colors all blend very well together to give a moody feeling to the image. If it weren’t for the colors, you can imagine how lifeless this image would have come out. Hats off to Drew for his creative thinking.

“A lot of it had to do with the weather (it was pretty foggy/misty that night), and the rest is a lot of fiddling around with white balance, H/S/L sliders, and RGB curves.”

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One response to “Interesting Photo of the Day: Colorful Neighborhood at Night”

  1. Duane Pittman says:

    Exquisite! The tonality, the slightly foggy sky that picked up the color of city lights, the matching and complimenting colors… I want to be there! Job well done.

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