Interesting Photo of the Day: Bicycle Light Painting

Low light and long exposure – this combination opens up a lot of opportunities for a photographer. With this combo, it’s then all up to the photographer to make use of his or her creativity to make images. Light painting is one such popular form of photography that many photographers use to create outstanding images. Reddit user idopictures took light painting literally when he drew an outline of his bicycle using the light painting technique:

bicycle light painting

“Bicycle Light Painting” by idopictures (Via Reddit. Click image to see full size.)

The image is a 30 second exposure that he took with his Canon 700D at 18mm and f/22.

He used a sparkler as his painting brush while the camera was exposed for the 30 seconds period. It’s quite impressive how he managed to do all of this within such a  narrow time frame. Although this light painting seems to be simple, it’s again noteworthy how the photographer is not visible in the image although he stood in between the bicycle and the camera while drawing this.

“The real trick was being able to briefly be on the front side of the bike without crossing the sparklers line of sight to the camera or ruining the light graffiti.”

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