Interesting Photo of the Day: Majestic Rock Eagle-Owl in Flight

Nature photographer Stefano Ronchi often photographs owls and other birds of prey, but this shot of a rock eagle-owl is perhaps one of the best examples from Ronchi’s portfolio of owls’ powerful wings and gorgeous feather patterns:

rock eagle owl horned owl flight bird raptor prey eagle-owl

Rock eagle-owl in flight (Via Imgur.)

Native to the Indian subcontinent, rock eagle-owls are also commonly referred to as Indian eagle-owls or Bengal eagle-owls. They’re part of the Bubo genus, which includes many types of horned and eagle-owls, including the very similar Great Horned Owl that is native to the Americas. Owls have no natural predators. They generally hunt small birds and mammals, but they have been known to bring down prey the size of turkeys and dogs.

The photograph was created with a Canon EOS 1D Mark II camera and a Canon 300mm f/4 telephoto lens set at ISO 500, f/4, and 1/2500.

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One response to “Interesting Photo of the Day: Majestic Rock Eagle-Owl in Flight”

  1. Mick says:

    That single photograph of the Rock Eagle-Owl inspired me to sign up to the newsletter from Stefano Ronchi’s website. (There are more wonderful photographs to view on the website.)

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