Editing an image can sometimes lead to exaggerated colors, textures, and light. With a lot of time and learning, editing becomes quicker and you start to get a feel for the influence that you want in your images. For landscape photography with a starry night sky, photographers often brighten the foreground and increase the color to reach the final product. Editing beyond that is sometimes criticized as overkill, but if the original shot is great, there’s no need to change much. This image shows proof of that theory:
Photographer Marc Leatham captured this long exposure with a Rokinon 14mm f2.8 wide angle lens on a Sony a7 camera. He noticed this scene as he was driving through the desert in Arizona and stopped to get his camera out. The settings were a 25 second exposure, f/3.2, and ISO 3200. In order to edit, he did a stack of four photos together, reduced the noise, and increased the contrast and saturation. What an amazing shot!
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