A very important milestone for us! Thank you so much to all of you who Like us on Facebook ;) You are often the first to know if we have posted a new article and we very much appreciate the feedback you give us in discussions.
After a lot of ideas were thrown around we decided to post our first timeline image that highlights the cities that visit us most. We are very happy to provide free photography education to the masses and it would not be impossible without your interest. This is a map showing where our most active users reside (the larger the circle – the more readers digesting our articles), we were very surprised to learn that our most active cities last month were London, Sydney, and then New York.
We would love it if you would respond to this discussion on Facebook and tell us where you are on the map, for example “Greetings from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia” or “Hello from Chicago, Illionois”. Just thought it would be fun to see where everyone is.
Please tell us where you are on this map, "Greetings from ..."
Thank you again for visiting us! ;) PictureCorrect Photography Tips
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