Search: "clean your camera"Found 333 results

10 Easy Steps to Photographing Birds for Beginners

10 Easy Steps to Photographing Birds for Beginners

I’d be lying if I told you that bird photography is easy. No. It isn’t. It’s one of the toughest photography genres out there – perhaps the toughest. However, what I’m going to reveal today are ten easy steps to take better photos of birds no matter your experience and skill level. If you incorporate […]

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Photographing a SpaceX Rocket Streaking Across the Night Sky

Photographing a SpaceX Rocket Streaking Across the Night Sky

What you see here is the 2nd Stage Burn with the 1st Stage Re-entry Burn, which is used to initially slow down to begin the landing process, appearing under the tree limb. During a past launch, at 1:21 am SpaceX continued its run of aerospace brilliance with a night mission of its Falcon 9 rocket, […]

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How to Photograph Great Seascapes

How to Photograph Great Seascapes

The late great Galen Rowell once advised us to look to the edges of environments, and there we would find many successful images. Where the land meets the sea must be by far one of our most fertile hunting grounds. Ever since we were children, given a bucket and spade, a long summer’s day and […]

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Maximizing Space in a Small Photography Studio

Maximizing Space in a Small Photography Studio

Do you wish you had a professional photography studio at home but don’t have enough space? Maybe the spare bedroom seems a bit small for all the equipment you’d need for a truly professional setup? Check out this video from Adorama, where professional photographer Norm Beer shows how he’s transformed his small, two-car garage into […]

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Using Photography Composition Templates

Using Photography Composition Templates

When doing photography in general, and in my case, travel photography, the use of a photography template can be very beneficial and help improve overall performance. By photography template, I mean pre-defined, well-known and efficient photography composition templates that are recurrent and relevant in photography and fit popular “good taste.” Knowing your usual and favorite […]

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Film Photography: Why You Should Try It Out

Film Photography: Why You Should Try It Out

So I’m guessing not many of you are using film cameras these days. The few of you who are, good for you! This dying form of photography is still magical to me. I recently got into it again, on the sideline, and I definitely believe it’s helped me as a photographer in general. Knowing that […]

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Landscape Photography Masterclass & Tips

Landscape Photography Masterclass & Tips

The world around us is diverse and teeming with once-in-a-lifetime views. Landscape photographers aim to capture those moments — be they a lofty, mist-shrouded mountain or photo-bombing bovines. Talented landscape photographer Charlie Waite captures the extraordinary in the ordinary. His photographs are a masterclass in composition, depth, and emotion. One of his secrets is his […]

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How to Capture Emotions in Wedding Photographs

How to Capture Emotions in Wedding Photographs

Wedding photography is one of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of photographing a wedding. Wedding portraits are an important part of any wedding, and the best way to capture the essence of a couple’s special day is through photographs that show emotions. To achieve this, you not only need to have great lighting, good […]

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How to do a Scary Halloween Photo Shoot in a Home Studio

How to do a Scary Halloween Photo Shoot in a Home Studio

Halloween is a great time for some spooky portraits. So why not take inspiration from Halloween and do some spine-chilling photo shoot? Photographer Gavin Hoey from Adorama takes us through how to get some scary images in a small home studio: Props for Halloween Photo Shoots Get the look of a blood-soaked bandage by soaking […]

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How to Take Sharper Bird Photos

How to Take Sharper Bird Photos

From the cosmos to the teeniest, tiniest bird, Simon d’Entremont, loves to wonder at and photograph it all. As a professional wildlife photographer, he has plenty of tips to share — particularly regarding challenging bird photography. As we know, birds move fast, flitting around and flapping their wings at speeds often imperceivable to the human […]

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