Search: "clean your camera"Found 333 results

Photoshop for Beginners – The 6 Most Important First Steps

Photoshop for Beginners – The 6 Most Important First Steps

Most people want to do special effects with Photoshop but like all tools capable of advanced work, it pays to get the essential basics under your belt first. Here is my recommended list of the 6 basic essentials any Photoshop beginner should learn: 1. Learn the image analysis tools – The Histogram, The Eyedropper, and […]

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The Ultimate Shooting Checklist to Avoid Common Photography Mistakes

The Ultimate Shooting Checklist to Avoid Common Photography Mistakes

Have you ever worked through an entire shoot never realizing that you had the ISO set to 3200? Or have you made the mistake of not changing back after having taken a group shot with a shutter timer delay? If you, like most photographers, are guilty of such mistakes, here is a valuable checklist to help […]

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55 Ways to Become a Better Photographer

55 Ways to Become a Better Photographer

There are many ways to improve your photos. Here are 55 ways for you to become a better photographer and take better photos. Please let us know if you find them helpful. 1. Know your camera(s). On a rainy day, grab your camera and learn how to change your settings without looking. The more you […]

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Hummingbird Photography Tips: How to Take Great Pictures

Hummingbird Photography Tips: How to Take Great Pictures

In the world of bird photography, the hummingbird is certainly one of the most challenging to photograph. This little bundle of flying energy and its ability to zoom and dart makes this bird difficult to capture. This article provides you some tips to help you better photograph this flying marvel. Set out the Hummingbird Welcome […]

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Composite Photography Tutorial of a Watch in Water & Ink

Composite Photography Tutorial of a Watch in Water & Ink

Have you ever caught yourself staring at a photograph, wondering how the artist behind the scenes could have possibly created the image? If so, you’re not alone. Most of the time, the magicians behind these stunning shots won’t reveal their secrets. However, the folks from UNPLUG productions took the time to show curious fans just […]

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Top 10 Sports Photography Tips

Top 10 Sports Photography Tips

Meet Sam Todd, a London-based photographer who’s photographed some of the world’s biggest competitions like the Tour de France and the Rugby World Cub. Sam’s developed a sports photography style that not only captures the epic passes and scores in a 90 minute game, but the story and personalities behind the game, too. Read on […]

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Slot Canyon Photography Tutorial

Slot Canyon Photography Tutorial

Photographing slot canyons is truly a unique experience. Not many places on earth are as magical and photogenic as these types of canyons, with endless compositional possibilities, colors, and textures to play with. However, photographing slot canyons is not as easy as it looks; the lighting conditions, the limited space to shoot, and some other […]

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Vintage Black & White Portrait Photo Techniques

Vintage Black & White Portrait Photo Techniques

If you look at old prints of photos, you may notice that they are not at all perfect. They appear overly contrasty, and lack sufficient details. Yet, the nostalgia they invoke is priceless. In fact, many photographers today work very hard to emulate the vintage large format look. With modern equipment and post-processing techniques, you […]

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Landscape Photography: 3 Composition Mistakes to Avoid

Landscape Photography: 3 Composition Mistakes to Avoid

When starting out in photography, you can end up making the same mistakes repeatedly. Landscape photographer Mark Denney goes through some of the mistakes he made over and over and shares some composition tips to take your landscape photography forward: Going back through the archives and reviewing your own images is a good practice. It […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Hidden Glacial Pool Discovered by Drone

Interesting Photo of the Day: Hidden Glacial Pool Discovered by Drone

Every photographer has his or her preferred gear—camera and lenses, maybe some lighting equipment, but … a drone? That’s right. Polish photographer David Kaszlikowski was able to capture the stunning, almost surreal, scene below thanks to the help of a high-flying drone that spotted the glacial pool nestled among the Karakoram mountains of Pakistan: Kaszlikowski discovered the pool while scouting shooting locations […]

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