Search: "clean your camera"Found 333 results

Landscape Photography: The Worst Habits to Avoid

Landscape Photography: The Worst Habits to Avoid

Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you try, your photography simply doesn’t improve? You might be practicing something wrong without even realizing it. To help you overcome any bad habits you’ve developed as a landscape photographer, Mark Denney has put together this video highlighting his 9 worst habits: Denney ranks his worst […]

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What it Takes to be a Good Interior Photographer

What it Takes to be a Good Interior Photographer

Interior photography is the most challenging of all the professional genres of commercial photography. Every detail is critical. Every prop must be correct and in just the right location. Busy-ness must be avoided. Things must be cleaned up and simplified. Lighting can be challenging. And in addition to all that, one must understand how best […]

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Tips for Photographing Wild Birds

Tips for Photographing Wild Birds

An image of a bird perched on a natural looking branch, with its eyes pin sharp, its feathers details clear, beautiful bright colors, and background bokeh that melts like Swiss cheese. No doubt you’ve seen images like that in wildlife magazines or on the internet. But what if you were to be told that many […]

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Starry Nights: How to Take an Out-Of-This-World Astro Self Portrait

Starry Nights: How to Take an Out-Of-This-World Astro Self Portrait

Vincent van Gogh had it right: a clear, starry night can make a gorgeous background. However, photographers often experience lighting and focusing difficulties when trying to incorporate stars into their images. In this short video tutorial, photographer Matt Granger demonstrates how to use stars to your own photographic advantage by creating what he calls an “astro selfie”: […]

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How to Take Better Pictures for Beginner Photographers

How to Take Better Pictures for Beginner Photographers

Photography can be a fun and exciting activity for all who have a passionate interest in learning camera fundamentals. I have done photography from the time I was perhaps five or six years old watching my father shoot then do his own black and white darkroom work. I’m a photographer and illustrator and have a […]

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How and Why to Push/Pull Film

How and Why to Push/Pull Film

Simply speaking, pushing and pulling film allows you to gain more contrast and grain for an artistic effect. Photographer Jay P. Morgan compares how pushing and pulling affects images using Fuji 400, Portra 400 and Portra 800 films: What is Pushing and Pulling Film? Let’s say you load your camera with Portra 800 film but […]

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How to Capture Better Low-Light Photography

How to Capture Better Low-Light Photography

Photography, by definition, is non-existent without light. So what do you do when the sun goes down and the light around you is insufficient? Photographer David Flores shares eight quick tips for taking photos in low light: 1. Shoot in RAW RAW files capture a ton of information. You can use this information during post-processing […]

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How to Take Better Photos of Dogs

How to Take Better Photos of Dogs

If you’ve posted an image of your dog to social media, chances are that it received a lot of attention. Their loyalty, playfulness, and fun-loving nature are what make us love dogs so much. But, working with them can be a challenge. Dog photographer Elias Weiss Friedman aka “The Dogist” shares some quick tips to […]

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Extended ISO: When to Use It and Why

Extended ISO: When to Use It and Why

You’ve probably heard that extended ISO isn’t recommended. After all, what the camera does at the extended ISO (lower) is make a software based adjustment of the image shot at the lowest base ISO. Most cameras have a low base ISO of 100 or 200. When you shoot at the extended ISO all that the […]

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5 Things You Need to Do to Become a Better Photographer

5 Things You Need to Do to Become a Better Photographer

Good photographers aren’t made overnight. And most accomplished photographers will admit that their earliest attempts at the craft were pretty unimpressive. In this inspiring interview, San Francisco based photographer Jim Goldstein shares his advice for novice photographers looking to improve their skills: Goldstein’s earliest experience with a camera left him feeling incredibly discouraged. His first […]

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