Search: "clean your camera"Found 333 results

How to Photograph Shattering Glass

How to Photograph Shattering Glass

Okay this one’s going to a bit messy, and it’s highly recommended that you do not try this at home without safety glasses and other protective gear. In this video, photographer Karl Taylor shows you how to freeze and capture the moment when a wine glass shatters on impact: The key to the setup is […]

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Window Light Portrait Techniques in a Home Studio

Window Light Portrait Techniques in a Home Studio

When we think of portrait photography, most of us think of a fancy studio session with the model surrounded by high end studio lights. But we can achieve amazing results just by utilizing the naturally available light, too. Photographer Irene Rudnyk, who loves to take portraits with natural light, shows us how she achieves glamorous […]

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Narrative Wedding Photography: Telling a Story

Narrative Wedding Photography: Telling a Story

As a Staffordshire based wedding photographer I look at a lot of wedding photography and it’s can be very hard to see something you love and not want to replicate the image in your next wedding. However, I don’t think that is the right way to approach shooting the day. Everyday is different and each […]

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Discussion: How Much Photo Editing is Too Much?

Discussion: How Much Photo Editing is Too Much?

Both Photoshop and Lightroom (and any other photo editing software, for that matter) are incredible tools in the hands of photo editors. They help us to clean errors and adjust minor imperfections and in general produce a better image than the one that was captured in camera. But as with all technology, there is a […]

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Landscape & Nature Photography Course

Landscape & Nature Photography Course

Landscape photography is one of the most challenging disciplines to learn, and the costs of getting it wrong can be disappointing, especially if you only get one chance to visit a location. In this new course released today you’ll take a 4 hour video journey with professional photographer Johny Spencer from the studio to the great […]

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Insights from Pro Nature Photographer Interviews

Insights from Pro Nature Photographer Interviews

If you want to improve your nature photography, one of the best ways to achieve this goal is to see what professional photographers are doing and then try to emulate them. Some people have said you should not copy others but try to obtain your own style. We disagree with this, as we improved our […]

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How to Photograph a Model’s Portfolio

How to Photograph a Model’s Portfolio

For quite some time, photographers and models have enjoyed a mutually beneficial, codependent relationship. Image makers will always need subjects, and models will always need someone there to capture them at their best. In order for either party to find work, a solid portfolio is a must. Therefore, any aspiring model’s first step toward building […]

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10 Helpful Tidbits for Every Beginner Photographer

10 Helpful Tidbits for Every Beginner Photographer

Considering just how commonplace cameras have become in everything from our phones to our computers, it can be difficult for many amateurs to understand that there’s much more to the art of photography than simply pressing down on the shutter. Many beginners are surprised to learn just how hard it can be to nail down […]

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Tutorial: Commercial Quality Product Photography

Tutorial: Commercial Quality Product Photography

To the untrained eye, product photography is clean and uncomplicated. However, there’s always a bit more to anything than initially meets the eye. Even a five second product shot in an advertisement can take hours of planning and preparation. To give you an idea of the sheer amount of time and creative energy that goes […]

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A Step-by-Step Studio Guide to Product Photography

A Step-by-Step Studio Guide to Product Photography

Clients across the globe are constantly seeking out skilled photographers to entice potential customers. However, it can be difficult for a photographer to know where to begin when stepping into the world of advertising. If you’re one of the countless individuals seeking photographic guidance, you’re in luck. Fstoppers contributor Brian Rogers, Jr. provides an in-depth look on […]

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