Search: "clean your camera"Found 333 results

Film Noir Portrait Photo Tips in Home Studio

Film Noir Portrait Photo Tips in Home Studio

One of photography’s most alluring qualities is its ability to transform our ordinary world into something extraordinary. With a camera in hand, bringing to life one’s imagination becomes a real possibility. This short yet in-depth tutorial featuring Gavin Hoey proves just how far some attention to detail and a bit of ingenuity can take an image: Though he’s […]

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Field Macro Photography Tutorial

Field Macro Photography Tutorial

One of the best ways to shoot macro is in a studio with a flash, which allows you to capture every detail of your subject without distraction. But, since a core tenant of nature photography is “do not disturb,” serious nature macro photographers need to find another way. That’s why nature photographer Paul Morgan has put […]

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Top 10 Reasons Photographers Miss Shots

Top 10 Reasons Photographers Miss Shots

The number of times that I missed opportunities to capture a perfect moment in my early photography career still frustrates me. During my early photography days, I spent endless hours reading camera reviews until I was sure I found the perfect entry level DSLR. My first digital camera was nothing special; however, the hours of […]

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Infrared Photography Tutorial

Infrared Photography Tutorial

Light is a tricky thing; some of it we can see, but a huge portion of it we can’t. The areas of the electromagnetic spectrum that we refer to as “light” but are unable to detect with our eyes are the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR), located just past the edge of the visible. Though […]

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Fungi and Mushroom Photography Tips

Fungi and Mushroom Photography Tips

Most photographers shy away from shooting fungi, mostly because it is not seen as a glamorous thing to do. Yet these life forms are just begging to be photographed, and the picture potential is there to be taken. Fungi can be found anywhere where organic matter is decaying, especially in woodland, and in particular around […]

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How to Edit Landscape Photo Skies Without Fringing

How to Edit Landscape Photo Skies Without Fringing

When you photograph a landscape and overexpose the sky, it will often turn out too bright with overdone highlights. After opening the file to edit it, you may notice that turning down the whites and highlights won’t always fix your problem. By doing that, you are affecting the entire image and will likely have portions […]

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The Darker Side of Wildlife Photography: Understanding Ethical Practices

The Darker Side of Wildlife Photography: Understanding Ethical Practices

With the advent of high-tech cameras and editing software that just about anyone can get to grips with, we’ve seen a transformation in wildlife photography. A transformation that many say is for the better. But as with any change, there are problems. Editing software now means that it’s possible to manipulate a dull image of […]

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How to Prepare for a Wedding Shoot

How to Prepare for a Wedding Shoot

If you’re looking to get into wedding photography or have just started out in the industry, you’re probably aware of how hectic a wedding photo shoot can be. Learning the ropes involves a lot of trial and error, which I can attest to. This simple step-by-step plan should eliminate a fair amount of hassle and […]

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How to Sharpen Photos

How to Sharpen Photos

One thing to note about digital photos before we go on… the picture format which you use. If you’ve set you digital camera to capture in JPEG format, it is likely you’ve encounter some loss of quality in the picture due to image compression. In this case, it does make sense to apply sharpening on […]

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How to do a Quick and Simple Corporate Portrait Setup

How to do a Quick and Simple Corporate Portrait Setup

Daniel Norton knows a thing or two about portraiture. Renowned for his ability to manipulate light, the NYC based fashion photographer has posed musicians, actors, and models in front of his camera. However, not every shoot he does is incredibly complex or glamorous. Here, Norton shares a straightforward, easy to adjust lighting setup ideal for clean, […]

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