Search: "clean your camera"Found 333 results

High-Speed Photos of Ink Dropped In Water

High-Speed Photos of Ink Dropped In Water

I have to admit it, there haven’t been many occasions where I haven’t been fascinated by high speed photos. No matter the subject, it looks great when it’s perfectly frozen in time. Here we have some excellent photos of ink dropped into water and frozen in time by Alberto Seveso: The process is fairly simple […]

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A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Exposure

A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Exposure

I’ve explained this so many times over, and every time it’s for the same reason: people dive into technical stuff way too early on and get confused to the point of quitting. It’s hard for somebody who doesn’t do well with electronics to understand sensor sensitivity or how the lens opening affects the depth of […]

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How to Use Strip Softboxes for Dramatic Portraits

How to Use Strip Softboxes for Dramatic Portraits

Strip softboxes are well known tools in the product photography world, particularly for placing highlights, but what about using them for dramatic portraiture? Check out how fashion and beauty photographer Andrea Belluso brings about a largely in-camera dramatic double-portrait using his Profoto RFi strip softboxes: Unlike standard softboxes, strip softboxes have a narrow, rectangular shape […]

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Tips for Corporate-Style Portrait Photography

Tips for Corporate-Style Portrait Photography

There are many things to consider when it comes to capturing a great corporate image. Prepping the set to get it right is very important, but the real success of the shot lies in finding the right talent to be the face of the company. Jay P. Morgan takes us on location at a corporate shoot in […]

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A Quick Intro to HDR Photography

A Quick Intro to HDR Photography

High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography is a technique that allows the photographer to use far more of the available light in a scene than a standard single exposure. With it you can create stunning and original images that would be next to impossible to render using conventional photography. In this video tutorial, photographer Trey Ratcliff […]

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Dynamic High-Key And Low-Key Portrait Lighting Tutorial

Dynamic High-Key And Low-Key Portrait Lighting Tutorial

The key to great studio photography is in well-planned and well-executed lighting. It not only creates dynamic portraits, but it can dictate the style, mood, and tone of a photograph. This video seminar takes us through the steps to create dramatic high-key and low-key portrait lighting: High-Key Lighting A high-key lighting set up is a photographic style […]

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Hands-Free Car Photography

Hands-Free Car Photography

Sometimes it’s useful to have a hands-free option when doing a shoot, particularly if you know you’ll need to move lighting equipment often and you don’t have an assistant. In the video below, photographer Ashley Border demonstrates how to light a Ferrari using just one light and a voice activated shutter release: For this shoot, […]

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How to Make a Night Sky Timelapse

How to Make a Night Sky Timelapse

Dustin Farrell is no rookie when it comes to assembling stunning timelapse footage of the night sky. His “Landscape” series has become an Internet sensation. Now the timelapse wizard is paying it forward; he’s produced an in-depth video disclosing his workflow and a wealth of tips and tricks he has picked up along the way. […]

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The Secrets of Shooting RAW Timelapse Photography

The Secrets of Shooting RAW Timelapse Photography

While timelapse photography is no longer a niche genre (everybody seems to be doing it these days) few photographers take advantage of the RAW shooting capabilities of their cameras. In this video Tom Baurain shows why this is a much better option. He even breaks down the whole process of shooting, post-processing, and rendering the […]

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Tips for Creating Portrait Sequences with Photoshop

Tips for Creating Portrait Sequences with Photoshop

When it comes to studio lighting, there are numerous options and preferences. Portrait photography alone comes with a wide array of lighting techniques and possibilities, but some of them aren’t always an option, especially if you’re working in a small home studio. With the help of a young model, photographer Gavin Hoey put together this fun, youthful […]

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