Search: "clean your camera"Found 336 results

How to Clean a Tripod

How to Clean a Tripod

Your tripod is the most trustworthy tool in your arsenal. Who else would you depend on with your expensive camera and lens while you stand several feet away? But sadly enough, that same trustworthy tool is overlooked when it comes to maintenance. We take care of our cameras and lenses. But what about the three legged […]

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DSLR Camera Cleaning & Maintenance Tips

DSLR Camera Cleaning & Maintenance Tips

Okay, so you’ve just shelled out your hard-earned coin for a sophisticated (codename for “expensive”) digital camera. Even if you’ve done the sensible thing and purchased a quality camera bag or backpack to keep it in one piece when not in use, you’ve only taken the first of two important steps toward keeping your camera […]

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12 Tips to Maintain a Camera

12 Tips to Maintain a Camera

Digital cameras, like most electronic devices, need extra care when being handled. They have sensitive parts that can be damaged by improper handling. These are the most common practices that can help you maintain your camera so that you can use it for a much longer time. 1. Keep your camera from getting wet unless […]

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Are Camera Brands Following ISO Standards?

Are Camera Brands Following ISO Standards?

When opening up your aperture and slowing down the shutter speed doesn’t cut it, we opt to increase the ISO value to make the images brighter. This is supposed to make the sensor more “sensitive” to light. ISO is something that came into existence from the film days. But does it hold the same significance […]

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Camera Lens Filters and What They Do

Camera Lens Filters and What They Do

“I have a digital camera and some really good software, therefore, I no longer need to bother with filters.” Not so! If you’re not making use of physical filters (as opposed to digital filters) in your digital photography, you’re missing out on a whole world of wonderful creativity. After all, what is photography? It’s about […]

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Camera Basics 101

Camera Basics 101

Your camera is actually nothing more than a box with a hole in it. Yes, all that money you’ve spent and that is basically what you’ve got. The basics of a camera have changed very little since day one. You have a box with a hole in it and you control how much light is […]

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Smartphone Camera Basics

Smartphone Camera Basics

The development of smartphone photography has had a dramatic effect on photography as a whole. It’s as important a change as the introduction of the Brownie box camera and digital photography, both of which played significant roles in spreading the delight of photography. The camera in my pocket has added fun and enjoyment to the […]

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Camera Sensor Dust: Good Photographs Ruined

Camera Sensor Dust: Good Photographs Ruined

As I excitedly sat down to process hundreds of images taken during an extended landscape photo shoot I was shocked to find spots and specks on almost all of my images! And the later the shot was taken the more there were. It soon became apparent it was caused by the camera’s dirty sensor. Fortunately, […]

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5 Tips for Buying a Film Camera

5 Tips for Buying a Film Camera

We may be living in a digital age, but film photography still has a strong following among camera aficionados. Getting a pristine condition film camera can be something of a challenge. However, a little bit of TLC can give an old shutter new life. Casey Cavanaugh shares five tips for buying a used film camera: 1. […]

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How Sensor Size Affects Your Photography

How Sensor Size Affects Your Photography

In digital photography, the image sensor plays the important role of capturing light. Once the photodiodes in the sensor are exposed to light, light is converted into a digital signal and an image is formed. Like film, camera sensors come in a variety of sizes. Variation in sensor size affects depth of field, the ability to […]

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