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Interesting Photo of the Day: The Elevator Encounter

Interesting Photo of the Day: The Elevator Encounter

Photographers are visual storytellers. This especially applies to street-photographers. A moment that they capture can be interpreted in many different ways to derive various stories. Some can be fun, some can invoke anger, and some can leave you wondering about what happened next. Street photographer Marco Gaia took the following image in Milan, Italy and […]

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Location Portrait: Wide Angle or Telephoto Lens?

Location Portrait: Wide Angle or Telephoto Lens?

When you’re out on location for a portrait shoot, you’ve mainly got two options as far as lens choice is concerned. You can either go wide to cover the model and the location, or go tight with a telephoto lens and emphasize just the model. However, each of these choices has advantages and disadvantages. In […]

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5 Exercises to Help You Understand Histograms

5 Exercises to Help You Understand Histograms

If you’re on the hunt for your first DSLR camera, or you’ve just purchased a DSLR and you’re new to digital photography, chances are you’ve been on the internet and watched one or two videos about things you should know or might want to know in order to get the most out of your camera—these […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Ouse Valley Viaduct

Interesting Photo of the Day: Ouse Valley Viaduct

The Ouse Valley Viaduct, also known as the Balcombe Viaduct, carries the London-Brighton Railway Line over the River Ouse in Sussex. Thanks to the ornate design, it looks aesthetically beautiful. This is why many describe the structure as probably the most elegant viaduct in Britain. It spans around 1,600 feet in a straight line, and […]

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How to do High-Speed Photography Tricks

How to do High-Speed Photography Tricks

If you’ve ever thought about it, high-speed photography is actually a really interesting photography genre. Everyday mundane activities can appear mind-blowing when you freeze the frame at the right moment. In fact, with high-speed photography, it’s almost like you’re slowing down time and having a peek at it. Sounds staggering, right? In today’s exciting video, […]

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Indoor Portrait Photography Without a Flash

Indoor Portrait Photography Without a Flash

Indoor portraits without a flash can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are some tips that can help you capture stunning portraits indoors without the use of a flash: Leverage Natural Light: Use the natural light available from windows or doors. This can create a beautiful, soft light perfect for portraits. Position your subject […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Reaching for the Stars

Interesting Photo of the Day: Reaching for the Stars

Doesn’t it sound really lovely when somebody says they’d bring you the stars if they could? Even if it’s not exactly possible, when you’re creative and imaginative enough, you’re just about able to do anything. Have a look at the following image taken by photographer Garcy Cummins. It really looks like someone is off to […]

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Macro Photography Using Extension Tubes

Macro Photography Using Extension Tubes

How convenient would it be if you could use your regular lens to take close up shots of subjects just as if it were a macro lens? While macro lenses are perfect for close-up images, they can be expensive for someone who doesn’t do much macro photography. This is where an extension tube can be […]

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What Makes Some Photographs Better Than Others?

What Makes Some Photographs Better Than Others?

Art is so subjective that there is no correct answer to this question. But there are some things that can help you analyze a photograph. I find it interesting that the majority of people can tell the difference between an average and a great photo and choose the ‘better’ one, but they struggle to articulate […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Rolling Fog at Mount Tamalpais

Interesting Photo of the Day: Rolling Fog at Mount Tamalpais

Fog is tricky. There are extreme variations of opinions on fog depending on how and where you come across it. For instance, if a dense layer of fog covers up the beauty of your location, you might not like it. Visibility gets impacted, and many people even feel suffocated. However, if you get to observe […]

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