Search: "clean your camera"Found 336 results

Travel Photography Packing List

Travel Photography Packing List

Travel photography is a beautiful blend of art and adventure, capturing moments and memories as you explore new terrains. But, being on the move requires a balance between being prepared for any photographic opportunity and not being weighed down by excessive gear. Here’s our recommended general packing list for travel photography, emphasizing mobility and versatility. […]

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Travel Photography Tips to Remember

Travel Photography Tips to Remember

Each place that you visit has its own peculiar ambiance. If you want your travel photographs to look exceptionally good, you should try to capture the unique character and features of that place. The snapshots should not only trigger your memories but should also easily communicate to others the captivating vim and vigor of the […]

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A Day in the Life of a Wedding Photographer

A Day in the Life of a Wedding Photographer

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to shoot a wedding? That is exactly what this photography for beginners post is all about! I’m super excited to share this with you—a full overview, behind the scenes, what goes on, the fun stuff, the stressful stuff, what needs to be prepared, and basically just […]

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Drone Show Photography Tips

Drone Show Photography Tips

Evening drone shows have become a spectacular modern marvel, blending technology with creativity to paint the night sky with vibrant lights and synchronized movements. Capturing these breathtaking displays requires a blend of preparation, technical knowledge, and creativity. In this guide, we’ll explore the steps and techniques necessary to photograph an evening drone show, ensuring you […]

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12 Steps to Sharper Photos

12 Steps to Sharper Photos

All of us want to reach the point of crystal clear pin sharp photos. Yet there always seems to be something that takes away the final step to perfect clarity and sharpness. How do we eliminate the factors that reduce the sharpness in our images? By applying these simple steps you will see an immediate […]

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Masking: The Secret to Perfect Photos

Masking: The Secret to Perfect Photos

I think we can all agree that our goal is to make our photos as perfect as possible. Some of that process occurs within the camera. However, in the era of digital photography, we are given far greater tools to work with than our previous brethren had with just film. The key to perfection is […]

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How to Assemble Eclipse Composites in Photoshop

How to Assemble Eclipse Composites in Photoshop

Photographing an eclipse is an awe-inspiring experience, but what do you do with those images afterward? In this video tutorial, we’ll walk you through two creative ways to assemble your eclipse photos into striking composites using Photoshop. Follow along with Matt Kowski as he demonstrates the process step-by-step: Getting Started: Preparing Your Images Before diving […]

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Harnessing Soft Light: Where & When to Find Diffused Lighting

Harnessing Soft Light: Where & When to Find Diffused Lighting

As a photographer, understanding light is as fundamental as understanding your camera. One of the most flattering and universally appealing types of lighting is diffused light. This kind of light is soft, gentle, and does not cast harsh shadows, making it ideal for a variety of photography genres. But where and when can you find […]

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Spring Photography Tips

Spring Photography Tips

Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons for taking photographs. In spring I feel more invigorated after the winter and more inclined to get out and take new photos. Here are a few of my tips for taking photographs in spring. Landscapes Spring landscapes are colorful and the new spring growth looks great against a […]

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Are You Making These 10 Common Street Photography Mistakes?

Are You Making These 10 Common Street Photography Mistakes?

When looking at the work of street photographers, it’s often a common thought that, “I could do that if only I were there.” However, when you finally go out into the world with your camera it can be shocking to find that it’s not quite that easy. There’s a reason that the best street photographers […]

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