Back in 1977, a woman named Robyn Davidson set out across the Australian Outback with four camels and her dog. Davidson would walk 1,700 miles, finally reaching the Indian Ocean where her camels would bask in the crystal clear blue water, having never seen anything like it before:
Robyn Davidson and her camels arrive at the Indian Ocean after a 1,700 mile trek across the Australian Outback. Photo by Rick Smolan. (Via Imgur. Click image to see full size.)
It took Davidson, who came to be known as the “camel lady”, nine months to make the trek from Alice Springs to the Indian Ocean. Along the way, photographer Rick Smolan went out to photograph her journey five times. Smolan was originally on assignment to photograph the Aborigines, but when he met Davidson and found out what she was doing, the assignment changed. He would go on to cover Davidson’s trek for National Geographic and 37 years later, a movie would be made telling their story. You can read more about it here.
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