Interesting Photo of the Day: Dawn in The Netherlands

If you’re in the right place at the right time, some moments can feel so magical that you start questioning reality. A beautiful sunrise is one example. nikbru captured the following beautiful moment in Ermelo, Netherlands:

pink morning in Ermelo Netherlands

“A Pink Morning in Ermelo, Netherlands” by Nikbru (Via Reddit. Click image to see full size.)

Nikbru took this photo at the Ermelosche Heide 20 minutes before sunrise. The magical light has the sky turning pinkish, and the fog has added further drama to the image. While the pretty colors add a sense of cheerfulness, the foggy conditions give it a mysterious look.

The way Nikbru has composed the image is quite compelling. The path in the foreground works as a strong leading line, drawing viewers into the fog and the colorful sky in the background. A wonderful example of the basic principles of composition at work to create a beautiful image.

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