Interesting Photo of the Day: Digital Room

Sometimes you don’t need to go far to take epic photos. If you’re lucky, you could take one from the comfort of your room before you’ve even started your day. Take for instance the following image shot by Reddit user HyperNuclear:

spooky door

“Spooky Morning” by HyperNuclear (Via Reddit. Click image to see full size.)

The photographer took this image with their smartphone.

The projection clock gives a digital look to the entire image. And then there’s the interplay of the dim light with the dark shadows that add a spooky feeling.

The fact that the photographer shot this while on a mattress on the floor has given us an interesting perspective. Low angles are vulnerable spaces, making it feel as if the photographer was hiding under their bed when they took the photo.

The photographer was up all night before taking this photo:

“Was a rather sad day actually. Lost a close family member the night before, and so the night was sleepless. But the picture did come out good.”

What sort of feelings does this photograph invoke when you look at it? Let us know in the comments.

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