Interesting Photo of the Day: A Majestic Highland Cow

Highland cows are characterized by their long horns and long wavy woolly coats. And it’s the latter feature that gives them sort of a cute and friendly look. However, as we can tell from the following image shot by photographer Brock Barber, when shot in a certain way, they not only appear cute, but equally majestic. Have a look:

majestic highland cow

“A Highland Cow During Sunset” by Brock Barber  (Via Reddit. Click image to see full size.)

It’s fascinating to see how a simple image like this can give a warm and calming effect. In addition, what’s fascinating is how the cow appears to be equally majestic from this angle. The long horns with the perfect curves have to have the credit for that surely.

Also, judging by the image we can make it out that he must have shot the image during the late hours of the day. The setting sun has thus done its magic and graced the image with a warm glow. As we all might agree, the beautiful tone works brilliantly with this image.

Have you ever had the luck to come across such a majestic highland cow?

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