This breathtaking image by Steve Schwindt is everything you’d expect from a golden hour landscape photo. It has great details of Mount Hood, mesmerizing shadow areas in the form of snow-decked coniferous trees, and a sky that is an indescribable combination of blue, flaming orange, and grey. To top it all off, the snow covered foreground forms a soothing balance for the otherwise brightly colored palette:
Schwindt made a total of four exposures for focus stacking then blended them together. This ensured that everything was sharp in focus in the frame. His camera settings were ISO 100, focal length 17mm, f/8 and 1/30 of a second. He used a Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 17–40mm 4L lens, and an Induro Stealth CLT203 tripod.
This is an amazing shot! Mount Hood glowing in the golden yellow morning light appears like a phoenix that rises out of its own ashes.
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