Interesting Photo of the Day: Popping a Bubble

A photographer should never have limits to their creativity. Richard Heeks does an amazing job at capturing the burst of this bubble midway through the process. These types of images require perfect timing, and assurance is given when the camera is set to burst mode:

moment bubble pops

Bubble Pop by Richard Heeks (Via Imgur. Click image to see full size.)

Equipment and Settings

  • Nikon D90
  • 70mm
  • f/5
  • ISO 800
  • 1/500 of a second

However easy it may look, bubble photography is not a simple task. The camera needs to be well exposed to light and a macro lens is required during such situations. Due to a quick shutter speed, unsteady hands can ruin the moment because every slight movement of the bubble is frozen and a tripod is always preferable for stability. The reflection of the bubble was used to his advantage, as Heeks chose a darker background to improve visibility.

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