Interesting Photo of the Day: Rainy Evening at the Lighthouse

Rain, dusk, dark house facades, and a lonely lighthouse – all of the ingredients needed for the ultimate somber scene. Just like the twins in The Shining, the two brick-for-brick identical houses flanking the lighthouse are similarly spooky.

Though the lighthouse’s Fresnel lens was on when Anders Nyholm pressed the shutter button, it did little to fight the impending sense of doom. The fact that the only other light we can spot glimmers dimly on the top floor of the right-hand house doesn’t help, either.

Yes, the number 1 place not to visit in a horror movie! Would you be able to shoot this scene without getting a little spooked?

“ITAP of a lighthouse on a rainy day” by Anders Nyholm (Via Reddit. Click image to see full size.)

On a brighter note, one Redditor commented that this lighthouse looks like the one featured at the end of Need for Speed – Point Arena Lighthouse. Though similar, this is not the case, as Anders, a Danish local, remarked:

I doubt it. This location is in Denmark.

Apart from the scenery and weather, Anders Canon 250D camera and Sigma art 24mm 1.4 lens were a necessity. As it was pretty dark, an ISO of 100, f/1.4 aperture, and 1/160 shutter speed also sufficed.

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