I usually dislike selfies, but this one I’ll let slide:
I’ve seen photographers stand in lava until their shoes caught fire. I’ve seen photographers camouflage themselves in ghillie suits as if they were snipers to sneak past lions. I’ve seen photographers almost getting shot or blown up—all for that ultra rare shot. But as a person terrified of heights, this image makes my stomach turn. I have to give props to Kirill Oreshkin for having the guts to take this selfie high above Moscow.
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I’ve seen photographers stand in lava until their shoes caught fire. I’ve seen photographers camouflage themselves in ghillie suits as if they were snipers to sneak past lions
Takes a lot of faith to climb up on something that you have no idea how it is constructed or the last time it was inspected for structural integrity, I’ve seen this guy climb up on other high places with reckless abandon, unfortunately it will only be a matter of time before the Darwin Effect comes into play.