Many photographers believe that idle weather conditions are an essential ingredient for taking that “perfect” shot. However, it is crucial to understand that it is not always the case. Many a time, even a harsh weather conditions can gift you with such opportunities. Take for instance the following image taken by photographer Jack. There’s no way many photographers would even dare to take their cameras out during a blizzard. But Jack’s effort here clearly shows why that is not a bad idea after all:
While the image looks like a simple shot taken with a click of a camera, the case is not so in reality. The image is in fact a panorama composite of 7 handheld photos that Jack put together in Lightroom, shot from left to right. He shot each of the images using a 24mm lens at 24mm, f/7.1, ISO 200, and 1/500s.
After looking at the image if you thought that it was a painting, don’t worry. You’re definitely not the only one with that sort of thinking. In fact, countless other viewers had the same comment regarding the photograph. The image really does look like one of those colorized photos from the turn of the 19th century. Very cool indeed! And as the idea goes, if a photograph is compared to a painting, it is a compliment indeed.
“The best images come from the most uncomfortable situations.”
It is also fascinating how this image tells a story in itself. It’s how the “We never close” sign, the atrocious weather, and the frozen door all speak a common language. Moreover, the stark white and the contrast with the warm colors of the store make it look really cool. Don’t you agree?
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