Most photo shoots involve a whole lot of trial and error. However, the majority of educational resources available for photographers omit the details. A new photography eBook aims to take aspiring boudoir photographers through the entire process of a shoot. Found here: Successful Photo Shoots
In this digital resource, photographer Ed Verosky aims to leave nothing out of the intimate photo shoot process. Rather than just show off his best work, he wants to give readers a look at the other side by including all of his unedited images along with his adjusted selections and final favorites. He discusses four of his photo shoots with female models, going over every sequence and specific selections. From concept, to model direction, to final edits, the eBook is meant to give you a complete behind-the-scenes look at what happens during a professional boudoir or nude shoot, including the real-life mistakes, challenges, and troubleshooting methods.
Some of the many details covered include (90 pages):
- Editorial Boudoir Shoot
- Artistic Nude Shoot
- 1979 Style Glamour Shoot
- Shoot Sequences
- Full Contact Sheets
- Posing Direction Dialog
- Camera Settings
- Gear Choices
- Lighting Setups
- Editing Specifics
- Lightroom & Photoshop Adjustments
- Final Thoughts & Selections
Ed Verosky is a professional photographer and educator based in New York City. He wrote this eBook with the hope of giving other photographers an open and honest look at the ups and downs that are a natural part of any photo shoot.
Please note: This eBook contains some artistic material.
How to get a copy:
The guide comes in PDF format that can be read on computers, phones and most tablets.
It can be found here: Successful Photo Shoots – How to Get Your Best Shots
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the links on this does not work. is there another way to get hold of his e-book?