Bullied as a child, Jordan Matter looked to sports to find solace and gain confidence. Now a photographer, he still sees the grace and beauty in athletes’ drive and dedication. His popular book, Dancers Among Us, portrayed talented dancers living life playfully and passionately in everyday situations. Learn about Matter’s latest photography project by watching this preview:
Athletes Among Us features serious athletes in ordinary–and often comedic–roles around the city. For example, Matter has created images of bodybuilder Vincent Iuzzolino waiting for a cab, NFL’s Erik Coleman carrying a grocery cart, Ethan Zohn proposing with a soccer ball, and triathlete Dina Bair hauling groceries home on her bicycle.
“Working Mom” with Dina Bair
“Valentine’s Day” with Erik Coleman
“Waiting for a Cab” with Vince Iuzzolino
Though all of his photography subjects are top notch athletes, Matter insists that his new book is not about sports. To him, athletes are symbolic of a lighthearted take on the importance of perseverance, strength, and devotion in our lives, no matter what our dreams may be.
“Sunday Shopping” with Erik Coleman
“Though I’m no longer an athlete, I still pursue my dreams with a competitor’s intensity.” –Jordan Matter
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