Zach Arias is a well-known photographer due to his continuing web presence. Whether through his blog or through videos on various web sites, he is constantly connecting with the photographic community. But the thing about Arias is that he talks about more than just photography. He talks about what it is to be a photographer and the problems you face. Not just technical problems, but creative problems and life problems. His newest short, Signal & Noise, discusses how you can get lost in photography through the duo of technical and creative aspects that compose it:
Most every photographer goes through a phase in which s/he thinks that better or different gear is the solution to their problem. And most every photographer worries about whether their work is good enough and compares their work to others. But Arias is saying don’t worry about it. All of that is noise. It’s a distraction to the real goals of learning your camera and learning light. His short really makes you stop and think about photography in way that most others don’t.
8×10 camera lens
“What is photography? It’s a camera, and a lens, and a light. That’s it. It’s simple.”
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Thanks Arias, for getting to the soul of the matter.
It is like this with life and art. If the noise over takes
your life you are left with nothing of substance at the end.
Brilliant! Basic wisdom…
Thank you, this video was simply wonderful when I needed it most due to kinda believing my photography is just not good enough to compete with others…..thank you again you have saved me from giving up and realise I am competing with my own self… Judith
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