Reporter Rants About Boring Snow Pictures, Offers Some Tips

Winter weather has arrived just in time for the holidays, and with it comes the annual slew of snow pictures. You’d think that the blankets of white, the pastoral countryside, the creative snowmen, and the kids and pets frolicking about would give our Facebook feeds a variety of photo subjects. Instead, most snow pictures are taken right from a window or doorway without much creativity, serving only as proof that there was a storm. And one Colorado news anchor has had it with seeing these boring pictures of snow-covered patio furniture:

It’s understandable that pictures of decks and backyards are so commonplace. Convenience wins. After all, it’s cold outside. Why bundle up and trudge through a foot of snow to set up a shot?


In his rant, Kyle Clark of 9NEWS tells you why. The world is a beautiful place full of interesting things and people to photograph. Taking the easy way out does not do the winter justice. He wants you to get out there and get in the spirit of the season. Photograph your family, your dog, ice crystals, action shots–anything but your dormant tables and frozen chairs.

So this winter, be creative. Don’t bore your local news station and Facebook friends with the usual snow day fodder. Show them what you’ve got!



“If we asked you for pictures of springtime, would you really send us a photo of your skis in a closet? No! It’s depressing.”

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