What happens when you put a handful of master photographers in front of an audience and put them on the spot by asking them to do a self-portrait? You get some self-conscious and uneasy photographers, hilarity, and some insanely creative portraits. At the GPP2012 Shoot-out in Dubai, that’s just what happened. Take a look at the highlight reel and use it for inspiration to do a self portrait session for yourself!
Gregory Heisler’s self-portrait showed a healthy dose of creativity. Despite not appearing in the shot, his portrait still met the requirements of depicting the essence of the photographer in a way they want to be portrayed.
Self Portraiture Competition
Have you thought to use an iPad as studio lighting? David Hobby sure showed his ingenuity; he pulled out an iPad 3, set the screen brightness as high as it would go, and then used it as a fill light in his self-portrait. All in all, the photographers did an amazing job for being put on the spot and given a mere 20-minutes to conceive, create, and take a self-portrait.
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