In the highly competitive world of fine art photography, emerging artists need certain advantages to make the transition from a hobbyist to a professional. One of those advantages is to understand the process a collector uses to make purchases. Longtime photography collector and art industry professional Alice Sachs Zimet covers many aspects of the process as she shows viewers how a collector’s mind works in the following seminar. The video is helpful to both those who are new to selling art and established artists who are looking to boost their sales:
Photographers can use the information Zimet shares in the seminar by tailoring the business end of their work to suit the needs of buyers. In other words:
- Know your market
- Build your brand
- Explore the different outlets available to artists to sell their works
- Have your work critiqued by professionals
- Price your work according to the current market
“[As a collector] if something is an edition, I want to go back to that. I want to know there’s a limited quantity.”
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