There’s nothing worse than getting home thinking you’ve bagged a world-beater, only to look at your new prize on the computer and find that it isn’t sharp. This new eBook isn’t going to transform every image you shoot into a razor-sharp wonder, but it will give you some tools to nail that world-beater more often than you lament it.
New: Sharp Shooter Photography eBook
The book goes into depth of field and why things are sharp in the first place, and the author covers various focusing techniques and settings. But it’s important to remember that there’s no single right way to set up your camera and shoot the various scenes you’ll come across. Being a sharp shooter is about arming yourself with an understanding of why focus is what it is, learning the techniques required for each situation, and selecting the best method when the time comes.
Topics Covered (36 Pages):
- Introduction
- What makes it sharp?
- Where to focus
- Focus in the macro range
- Advanced focus techniques
- The great un-sharp
- Checking critical sharpness
- Analyzing blurriness
- Sharpening in post
- Conclusion
Pages from Sharp Shooter
“I’ll show you ways to figure out why a shot didn’t work out and provide some tips on how to fix it. We’ll also experiment with using out-of-focus areas and intentional blur to great effect. In addition, if despite your best efforts you don’t quite nail the focus on that dream shot, we’ll look at what can be done on the computer so that you don’t have to throw it out.” -Author Martin Bailey
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