Taking Pictures: A Boy Meets Girl Animated Short for Photographers

Taking Pictures is a light-hearted and enchanting animated short film about love and photography created by Simon Taylor, a London-based animator and hobbyist photographer. This cute little story is getting big shares on social media, and it’s no wonder why. Watch as two young photographers stumble upon each other in a park one day and bond over their love of photography:

Taylor says the short was inspired by a random minor event in his own life:

“I decided to do a ‘boy meets girl’ type story but wanted it to be as unique and un-cliché as possible but still feel genuine. I remembered a moment between my girlfriend and I where we were waiting in a queue and both had our cameras, we started popping the flashes up at each other like a quickdraw.”

That was the starting point, and that inspiration helped the story unfold.

animated short about photography

You can’t help but root for these two awkward characters, they’re so relatable. Check out the behind the scenes making of “Taking Pictures” to see how Taylor created the characters and the perfect setting.

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