There’s nothing better than spending hot summer nights at a lakeside cottage—the clear, bright, star-speckled sky glistening off the still water and the only sounds coming from a crackling fire or the chirping woods. Well, okay, maybe one thing can make that scene better—the glow of thousands of fireflies dancing around you, like stars on earth. Fine art photographer Vincent Brady captures that incredible beauty in The Firefly Time-Lapse:
Brady spent much of the summer of 2013 photographing the fireflies—or lightning bugs—in Lake of the Ozarks, MO and Grand Ledge, MI. He is fascinated by and greatly respects the majestic creatures, and his passion really shows in his work. The Firefly Time-Lapse is filled with beautifully stunning imagery that truly captures the magic of the firefly.
Scene from The Firefly Time-Lapse
The timelapse film captures the beauty of fireflies.
“Being out on the boat and watching as they light the treeline with their all night disco party is just amazing.”
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What do you mean when you say “Your comment is awaiting moderation?”
Actually, the time-lapse photography is rather disappointing. My wife and I have a rather steep hill behind our home; and, on that hill we have a very heavy grove of bamboo. In the late spring and on into the summer, we have hundreds, if not thousands, of fireflies all over our back yard and among the bamboo. It is with this in mind that we have to say that your time-lapse photography is anything but realistic. As a matter of fact, it is poor at best! Perhaps you should choose another time-lapse photo to use for your purpose in context with this article!
Yes this is a great article and great shots as well but I think most of the photographers are actually interested of how he did took the photos?? Tips and camera settings please?…