A picture speaks a thousand words. It has the power to move a mind and compel it to act. Beyond the gear and beyond the tricks and tips, photography has been, in its purest form, a silent recorder of humanity for as long as it’s been around. You can’t deny that photography has played one of the most significant roles in documenting and shaping the course of history as it has progressed over the last 100 years:

From unique moments that document life in an urban metropolis, to defining moments in history, to acts of individual bravery and courage, desperation, love and happiness—the art and science of photography has captured it all.
There have been many breathtaking images captured by photographers from around the world over the course of the past century and the one we are living in. Many of these images have went on to become iconic: the portrait of Che Guevara by Alberto Korda, the Migrant Mother by Dorothea Lange, the lone protester at Tiananmen Square.
But there are many relatively unknown images, too, which also capture different facets of human emotions. These are all very powerful images.
Photography is an emotional ride.
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