To some, the act of post processing is every bit of an art as the act of taking the actual photograph. In the case of architectural photographer Irene Kung, one may even argue that is where her creative abilities are at their highest. Kung has called her photographs nothing more than snapshots, most of which are taken from the very same perspective as any other tourist would see them. In the following video, she explores the creative drive behind taking one of these “snapshots” and turning it into something much more sophisticated:
To take a photograph that was made in broad daylight and transform it into a brilliant night shot, Kung painstakingly removes unwanted objects by hand and shades the subjects surrounding atmosphere in black during her post processing workflow. The results are quite unique and are in high demand in the world of art collectors; prints are typically selling for 8,000 Euro.
Kung, who has previous and extensive training as a painter, says that many of the techniques she uses are the same except now she uses a camera instead.
“‘She uses light to guide your gaze to certain spots that then fade off into the dark’ … ‘She depicts buildings like prominent personalities.'”
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