No matter how much we love shooting in natural light, the sad part is we can’t control it. If you rely on natural light to create a specific look in your photographs, there’s always a possibility you’ll be let down. Luckily, we have artificial light to the rescue! This new video course & eBook from the Lighting Asylum is designed to help you gain stylistic control of your photos using flash in challenging situations. Found here: Understanding Flash
You can rely on flash photography to create a series of images with a consistent look while controlling the intensity levels. This enables you to choose the exposure settings that work best for your desired composition.
In the video course, Corbin explains larger concepts about lighting:
- What makes light soft?
- What is a stop of light?
- What does flash do for your photo?
- Why to even try and master it?
She also covers the five pillars of flash photography.
Pillars of Flash Photography
The video starts by showing you how you can shoot photos like your favorite photographer with the right knowledge of your own equipment. The real skill lies in knowing how to use your own equipment to the fullest. Once you master that, you can concentrate on the next important bit: Composition, Color and Lighting. You may have followed the rules, but here you will learn to bend the rules and use them to your advantage.
Composition, color and lighting in flash photography
Understand Flash teaches you:
- how the amount of light decides the exposure
- how the direction of light sets the mood
- how the color of light creates the feel
- and much more…
Flash stops and distances
Flash angles
To go along with the video course is an eBook that writes out and explains the concepts further.
Some of the many topics covered in the companion eBook (86 Pages):
- Equipment
- Cameras
- Lenses
- Tripods
- Photoshop
- Introduction to Flash
- Managing Light
- Direction of Light
- Soft Light
- Components of Flash
- Aperture
- Shutter Speed
- Sync Speed
- Stops of Light
- Flash Power
- Flash to Subject Distance
- Natural Light
Professional flash photography tutorials
“If you’ve been taking pictures for any length of time you already know this, if you’re new to people pictures then this might come as a shock. People will never pick good times of day to have their pictures taken.”
How to Get a Copy:
The product is delivered as an instand download after purchase. It includes an HD video course and an instructional eBook.
Found here: Understanding Flash Video Course & eBook
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I’m glad I only spent $20 on this. The Text manual is great, but the video is obnoxious. There is more time spent on creating hype and drama (supposedly for entertainment purposes, but the acting is horrible) than there is useful information. I found myself skipping and fast forwarding the video trying to get past the goofy stuff to find the information. The audio is good-about 70% of the time. The other 30% it is either muffled by the background “music” or muffled and rendered inaudible by wind or bad mics or something. I don’t understand why that wasn’t corrected.
The title “Understanding Flash” is a bit misleading, since the first 20-30 minutes of the video reviews basic, BASIC camera stuff and a lot of Corbin “throwing” a camera to herself and giggling.
The PDF manual is much more useful, although the first 40 pages talk about cameras, lenses, and tripods. Actual “flash” info doesn’t show up until page 42.
I guess what I’m saying is that I wish there had been a better description of this video and guide. The content is aimed more at beginners (like very beginning beginners) and I assumed (based on the title and brief descriptions I saw) that a basic knowledge of cameras is already understood, since supposedly the course is about understanding flash. I felt a bit insulted that I had to skip through so much “extra” (basic info) content to get to anything useful.
Corbin is cute. But I honestly feel like this should have been marketed to a high school aged audience.