New: Urban iPhone Photography

Photography and exploration have always been a match made in heaven. The joy of capturing a moment in time, an emotion, a story is unparalleled. However, when it comes to urban photography, many find their photos lacking the same vibrancy and life they see in the city around them. This might leave you questioning whether you need to upgrade your equipment, or maybe you need to travel to more exciting cities.

But the truth is, urban photography is not about traveling to a famous metropolis or owning an expensive camera. It’s about finding and capturing beauty in any city, or any town, with whatever camera you have at hand. That is why iPhone Photography School just released this new course (launch sale ending soon!): Urban iPhone Photography at 80% Off

urban iphone photography

New: Urban iPhone Photography (see preview videos)

Interestingly enough, the best camera is often the one you have with you. In today’s digital age, that is usually your smartphone. And more often than not, that smartphone is an iPhone.

Intriguingly, renowned photographer Clifford Pickett has been championing this idea for quite some time now. As one of the world’s most recognized iPhone photographers, Pickett has worked on high-end photography projects for global brands using nothing but his iPhone.

Based in New York City, Pickett has spent over 20 years exploring every corner of the metropolis, capturing hundreds of thousands of photos with his iPhone. The result? Brands like Clinique, British Airways, Adidas, and National Geographic hire him for high-budget projects

A new wave of iPhone photographers is emerging, and it’s all about recognizing beauty even where others see nothing. This practice isn’t exclusive to famous cities but can be applied anywhere in the world. It’s about capturing the spirit of any city, town, or neighborhood you might find yourself in, be it through its unique architecture, street scenes, or candid moments of daily life.

The ultimate goal of urban iPhone photography is to showcase city life in a way that truly resonates. It isn’t just about capturing images of the skyline or well-known landmarks, though these can undoubtedly add character to a city’s portrait. It’s about noticing the less obvious yet equally captivating elements of city life: the patterns and textures of buildings, the fleeting moments on bustling streets, and the unique characteristics of urban dwellers.

urban photography

Capturing these moments requires a different perspective, an open eye for detail, and a deep understanding of how to use your iPhone camera to its fullest potential. This is precisely where Pickett’s expertise comes into play. His experience provides a helpful guide for those eager to navigate the intricate art of urban photography with their iPhones.

How to Get a Discount & Bonuses Today:

During its launch, the brand-new course is on sale at a deeply discounted price. It also includes a full happiness guarantee, if you are not satisfied with the course for any reason simply let them know for a full refund – so there is no risk in trying it.

Launch sale ending soon: Urban iPhone Photography Course at 80% Off

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