This new eBook, Vision is Better III, is a collection of 50 articles, tutorials, and photographic essays by David duChemin. DuChemin is a professional assignment photographer who has worked on six continents for a growing list of commercial and non-profit groups. This is the third in a series of books.
New: Vision is Better III
This is a messy book. It’s random, doesn’t particularly hold to one topic or theme very well and will in no time convince you the author has more time on his hands than is good for him. This book is a collection of thoughts, essays, and ill-advised rants.
In short, they act like a yearbook that gives readers a no-holds-barred vantage point into the adventures and life of duChemin while at the same time providing you with fresh ideas and insights about making the most of your own photographic journey.
Pages from Vision is Better III
“Photography is not merely a technical pursuit, it is a craft many of us pursue because we love the act of creation and the opportunity to express ourselves. It is, for many of us, more than a hobby; it is a passion. It is for me.” –David duChemin
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I lost interest in your article when you couldn’t spell his name correctly.
What piqued my curiosity enough to want to read this post was its title. I wanted to know what the author means by it and what, specifically, he thinks “vision” is better THAN. I am still wondering, as no explanation is forthcoming, but thanks for warning me not to invest my time or money in the book, anyway. As for the quote you took from it, I had the same thought….about thirty years ago, but expressed it better.