Looking for the funnest way to learn photoshop? Here are the best two seasons of the You Suck at Photoshop series where you can delve into Donnie’s twisted personal life while learning some very valuable photoshop techniques along the way. I wanted to make a list of the classic episodes so you can find them here easily.

You Suck at Photoshop: The Educational Series
Feel free to bookmark this page so you can come and go as time allows. Warning: many of these tutorials contain foul language and vulgar content, for mature audiences only.
Episode 1: Distort, Warp, & Layer Effects
Donnie Hoyle pulls a digital end-around on a restraining order and vandalizes a Vanagon.
Episode 2: Covering Your Mistakes
Donnie Hoyle shows you how to fix mistakes you’ve made.
Episode 3: Clone Stamp and Manual Cloning
Donnie Hoyle makes a very big mistake go away.
Episode 4: Paths and Masks
Does anyone know how to cancel an eBay auction?
Episode 5: Select Color Range
Donnie’s self-discovery vacation heats up. By the megaton.
Episode 6: Liquify Filter
Donnie’s four day hold-up at the airport makes for some heavy duty Photoshop diversion.
Episode 7: Patch Tools and Levels
Donnie Hoyle hots up a facebook photo for one lucky fan.
Episode 8: 3D Layers
Donnie opens his home to a new friend.
Episode 9: Curves
Donnie Hoyle gets as close to a pair of tomatoes as he’ll ever get.
Episode 10: Vanishing Point
Donnie Hoyle puts it all in perspective.
Episode 11: Smart Objects
Donnie Hoyle’s return is derailed by an unexpected email.
Episode 12: Measurement Log
Donnie Hoyle sizes himself up against some old memories.
Episode 13: Displacement
Donnie takes one from the team.
Episode 14: Video Stuff Reall Fast
Donnie Hoyle has no time to show you Photoshop’s video editing features.
Episode 15: Define Pattern
Donnie Hoyle’s sex-dampening technique finds him reflecting on the patterns of his life.
Episode 16: Define Brush Preset
Donnie Hoyle finds himself in a hairy situation with an old friend.
Episode 17: Photomerge
Donnie Hoyle maps his current predicament and merges toward a solution.
Episode 18: Annotations
Donnie Hoyle sounds off on his return home.
Episode 19: Shadows and Light
Donnie Hoyle sheds some light on the shadows of his past.
Episode 20: Distort, Warp, & Layer Effects
Donnie concludes.
Puppet Warp & Content-Aware Fill
Donnie Hoyle is back! And you still suck at Photoshop.
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You’re inspired and inspiring.
(still laughing)
These are awesome. Was wondering when he would come back. Great shows. I can’t wait for new ones. I laughed my butt off and learned something. Fuck the haters!
I’ve always been a big fan of Donnie. And what’s up with all the prissy comments? Are you incapable of comprehending the fact that difficult topics, like learning Photoshop, can be presented in a wide range of styles? It’s also a basic fact of life that not everyone likes the same things, but that doesn’t necessarily make the things you personally don’t like wrong in any way. Personally, the “vulgarity” and “raunchiness” is tame compared with a typical episode of Family Guy or South Park. But of course, you probably don’t care for them either…
Donnie has a fantastic way of not only conveying difficult Photoshop topics, but doing so in a manner that will leave most people wanting more – and best of all – leave the kind of impression that won’t let you forget what you’ve learned any time soon.
Whatever happened to simply going “Meh.” and moving on?
great humor
good photoshop skills done very entertainingly.lots of thought went into this,loved it thanks
I dont think its dumb. I learned something by watching them. If you are to learn about Photoshop features, you will get past the language. In fact, it is raunchy, but it is funny at times. If you are the serious book learner, this wont work for you. But different distractions during the video could work as humor during learning. But thanks for puttin in the effort for making these. I learned a few tricks and thats what I was here for.
This was some of the dumbest crap I have ever seen! What a total waste of time.
Have never laughed so much while learning so much!
Ok content, but very lame, I expect better from picturecurrect.
That one comment from Teri W. was enough to prevent me from even thinking about playing this video. Who needs that. There are other places to go for these skills.
Would’ve loved to have learned some new PS techniques but unfortunately, couldn’t stand the raunchy language and down right disgusting references to female body parts!
You obviously possess some terrific Photoshop skills (based on what little bit I viewed in a snippet of one video) but your seriously nasty way of presenting them leaves a lot to be desired!!
Rated R for R.A.U.N.C.H.
Expected MUCH more from Picturecorrect.com!
These are amazing… all of them!